Monday, December 12, 2016

Good day everyone :) My name is Laxmi Paula Camille A. Villarosa. I'm only daughter of Lina and Loreto Villarosa. I'm studying at Assumption Academy of Compostela. I'm already a grade 10 student.

Everybody deserve to be happy and free from everything. We are free to enjoy our life and stay away from pain and sadness. We have our own choice to choose what we want to our life, we are the one who choose what makes us happy, we are also the one who make our decision. But there are people who are with us, to guide us, teach us, and give us advice of everything that we did to make our life better.

Choose what makes you happy and not what others happiness. Because we are only knows what make us happy. We only knows everything about ourselves. Don't change your self just to give the happiness  of the others.